Wednesday, April 29, 2009

DVLP Buttons and card information are finally here! You can pick one up at the MCAD Commencement exhibition on May 16th!

Flannel Scarf

So what do you do with a lone, half-burnt candle? Or maybe even five of six different half-burnt candles? Recycle them, of course! The can look gaudy on their own, so I decided to melt them together. In the process, I was hoping for a murky brown color, but it turned out a rich violet. I also went to Savers off of Hiawatha and Lake Street in Minneapolis and found some unique looking tea cups. I enjoyed the design and colors on the cup, but I'm more of a simple kind of gal so I decided to paint the cups white (giving it that nice clean ceramic look).

I still need to do another round of pouring wax into the cup, because apparently the wax caves in once it cools down. the final photos will be up before you know it!

This idea evolved from another d.i.y. project found on design sponge. I wanted to use the idea of coiling the cardboard to form a side table. The branches and flowers you see there are made of egg cartons. You don't have to purchase eggs to make these either...You can go to your local grocery store and ask for the case cartons (They throw them out anyway). The Wedge in Minneapolis were willing and happy to donate them to me. (Thanks guys!)

Ready for the outdoors?

Thank you to one of our contributors, Taylor Snyder, for sharing this with the group. The photos shown below displays a really simple idea of using nature for graffiti. Seriously...who is going to arrest you for that? I think I may give this a try...We will have to set up a day to go around Minneapolis and spread some art with mud and moss!